부산광역시 서구청 영문 스킵네비게이션

Culture & Tourism
Gudeokgol Culture and Art Festival

Gudeokgol Culture and Art Festival

Gudeokgol Culture and Art Festival

Gudeokgol Culture and Art Festival

The sign of autumn in Gudeokgol

Gudeokgol Culture and Art Festival takes place on the second week of September for two days at Gudeok Camping Site area in Gudeok Flower Village of Seodaesin-dong when autumn is in the air.

Contemporary Style and Classical Aesthetics in One!

The festival starts with a ritual ceremony and a fife and drum band signals the official start of the event. You can watch taekwondo demonstrations, musical performances by an orchestra, choir, B-boy performances, and singing contests. The jazz band plays at night, taking the day to its climax.

On the second day, there are outdoor writing competitions, painting competitions, and literary events. The residents fill the square, enjoying the event with family or friends.

There are eleven activities available during the festival period such as making mulberry tree crafts, miniatures, and sculpting pottery. Eleven exhibitions take place during the event as well; Seo-gu’s history as seen on photography, artwork by culture center members, and traditional tea are some of the subjects.

Gudeokgol Culture and Art Festival is an event unique to Seo-gu, Busan and will continue to evolve alongside its residents.